Packin' Up & Movin' On
Dartbags Win the Finale - Playoffs Next
This past Thursday, I attended the NYDO
captains meeting.
Our ‘big-toe’, El Capitan, Frank Murtha, was off
on a dangerous tutoring mission, and couldnt make it.
The Dartbags needed a guy to represent, so I offered
to be that guy.
Now....I know I run the risk of being a ‘dart-dork’
for attending, and offering, to go to the captains
meeting, but lets face it: if being a ‘dart-dork’ is wrong,
I dont wanna be right. I dig it.
I ran into some old friends of the Dartbags, including
Tony Roman, Andre Correa, and Craig Nobbs, who
informed me of the hazing ritual. Good times.
We knocked a few back, yukked it up a bit, and voted
on some league issues.
One guy was pushing to add games to B division
matches, but since playing until 2am isnt very desirable,
that idea flew like a led zeppelin. As someone blurted out,
"If you want more games....make it to A league."
Another issue that came up is when guys miss their
singles 501 turn, and how it should be handled.
Someone complained that its not fair since they’re filling out
their lineup card based on who they see is there, not knowing
who is missing. Some other complaints were voiced.
A few weeks ago, I missed my singles games. A guy on the
other team was being a stickler saying that if I didnt make it
back before the first round of doubles cricket was over,
they wouldnt let me make it up.
Come on, guy.
A better case in point:
A couple of months back, we let a guy make up his singles games
when the match was OVER, and he kicked the crap out of us.
We didnt know who he was. We do now......Matt Traub.
The way Roger left it, and what I think makes sense, is
its up to what the captains can agree upon at the time.
But be reasonable.
Bottom line:
Like Fonzie says, be cool, but also let the guy make up his singles
games. And while you’re at it, kick the jukebox......especially
the new-jack digital one at The Jeek. That thing is on the fritz
more than the ConEd power grid in Queens.
BUT....the main reason for the meeting was the playoff bracket.
We learned the following:
Monday, July 9th
Dartbags (vs) Son of Leifer
At George Keeley, aka "The Jeek".
A tough draw against a good A1 team.
Should be a good one against some old
friends, and old competitors from our
A-league tuesday night stint. Which, if
you blinked, you missed it.
Things are different now. Man for man,
I know each of us feels good against anyone.
I'll leave it at that.
Spring 2007 Season Finale
The Dartbags regular season ended last monday, with a ho-hum
13-11 victory against Nomads No More. Ho-hum, because we only
needed 1 point to clinch the playoffs, and we were pretty much
locked into 3rd place no matter what happened. As a result, we
concentrated more on having a good time than trying to
stick it to the Nomads.
This weeks match recap is a bit abbreviated since Captain Furious
lost the sheets. He said “someone absconded with the sheets”, but
stop trying to pass the buck, guy. You’re the captain. Take
responsibility. As a result, we’re wingin’ this baby.
First off (as Frank usually starts out), Jessie, Nell, Hope
and Greg Stevens, old friend, and now friend of the ‘bags as well,
showed up, along with some others, making it a jolly time had by all
We drank, we laughed, we cried....
On with the darts
Singles 501
IYH, Glenn Pike, and Thumbonculous, took on
Dave Smith, a good shot. Pike got swept, due to a slick
19 darter by Dave, and some mind games from
Thumbonculous. The Piker did nail a couple hundred asp’s
in game 2, after he switched to 20's. Not enough though.
3-0 Nomads. Thanks Thumbonculous.
Funny: after Frank explained our magic number situation,
(needing just 1 point to clinch playoffs) to Ginsberg, he responded
on its anti-climactic nature:
Ginsberg: “Maybe we leave the champagne on ice for this one.”
After the round 1 sweep, we decided to get a little more serious.
El Capitan went up next, and took 2/3 games against
Jeff Caparella. In game 1, Frank took out a D-2 to seal our
playoff berth. Not vintage Furious, but 2/3 aint bad, and
an X-out in the final game nailed that down.
4-2, Nomads.
I, Cuppa, stepped up next, against the Nomads Joe,
Joe Murray. A Ton-80 by Nomadic Joe, in game 2,
helped prevent a sweep by Cuppa, who took 2/3.
Angered by losing game 2, Cup started game 3 with a
Ton-33 and a 95. After 18 darts, and on 40, Cup wired
a D-20 on his first, and nailed the second, completing
a 20 darter. A sharp double-double, D-8, D-8 out hilited
Cup’s first game.
5-4. Still down, but motorin'.
Before the last round, Frank stepped up to
‘The Table of Honor’, looking for his beer. Its the usual
4-5 pints, all similar looking. A common problem. They
were all staring at the captain. Oh, what the heck....he grabs
one, only to be arrested by Steve Sterns, of the Nomads:
Steve: (Full Metal Jacket voice) “This is my beer. There are
many others like it, but this one is mine.”
Vince, The Hornet’s Nest, took on Private Steve in the final
round. The Nest was as deadly as its been all season in singles,
and racked up about 500-600 asp’s (dont know exactly,
thanks Frank). But you get the point. Vince only took
2/3. I say ‘only’ because the way he was shooting, a sweep
looked like a foregone conclusion, and anyone on a good
game probably would have gotten swept.
Vince left himself on X in game 3, and couldnt take it out.
Steve hung in there and took it out before the Nest got
another chance to swarm.
6-6 after singles.
Cricket Anyone?
Cuppa, Vince and Frank performed a round-robin coin flip
to see who would sit out in cricket. It would prove a waste
of time:
Frank: “Cup lost, so Glenn, it’s gonna be you and......”
Glenn: “Guy, I’m sittin’ out, guy.”
So, Frank and Vince took on Dave and Joe in the first round.
BFT and Cuppa took on Jeff and Steve in the second.
When it was over, kiss your sister; 3-3 in cricket, 9-9 overall.
Frankenvince got whacked in game 1. Tough darts by
the bad guys. Vince was ‘Steve Nashty’, and a back to back R-7
and R-6 by Frank crushed game 2 for the ‘bags. The rubber
match went our way. We took 2/3 from a good team.
Black Widows Dipped In Jamesons
What sounds like an exotic culinary invention is actually
Frank’s bizarre pre-throw ritual, that apparently has
been going on all season, but was made famous during
this week’s cricket round.
It has supplanted the ‘Dippy Bird’ as his ritual of choice.
Between turns, Frank, looking posessed, came back
to our table (The Table of Honor), and, while singing to
himself, picked up his glass of Jamesons. He proceeded to
dip his black-widow darts into the Jamesons, then let it
drip into his mouth, sometimes licking the darts themselves.
At one point, he even dipped them in Ginsberg’s glass.
Wow, guy.
But it was the hilite of the round. And, in my opinion,
one of the hilites of the entire season. Gins and I were
awe-struck, and at the same time, impressed as hell.
I think I may try it next time.
He insists it helps guide the darts where he wants them
to go. Turn after turn went by, and I had to ask:
Cuppa: “Why, guy?”
Frank: “It makes me feel closer to my darts. Like, when
I was a kid.....I used to sleep with my baseball glove
under my pillow.”
Oh.....I see it now. What a touching, heart-felt comparison.
A young boy and his newly oiled baseball glove, with
dreams of growing up to be Don Mattingly. A 36 year-old
man sticking dirty metal darts into a glass full of whiskey,
getting drunk.
Now, BFTeam-Cuppa is hazy, and again, Frank let the sheets wander,
but I do know we lost 2/3, and didn’t play up to our standards.
A Cuppa-Double-Bull did end game 2, and a
few back to back R-4, R-5, R-4 helped it along the way.
BFT was so mad at one point, that as I was attempting a
“Get ‘em next dart” slap on the back after a bad streak,
he scared the daylights out of me:
(Walking right past me, leaving my consoling hand dangling...)
BFT: “Don’t touch me.”
I was still quaking in my flip-flops from BFT’s cold-shot,
and game 3 was lost after a late-gate effort. A C-3 by Cup, and
some pointing by The Big Friendly One. The point war
went on, and on......and on. Too little, too late. Game over.
Like I said, 9-9 after cricket.
Team 501: Dublin’ In & Dublin’ Out
The recap of doubles 501 is hilited by a few things. None of
which are detail oriented, especially concerning specific darts
Southpaw Blues
Frank and Glenn lost 2/3, which, in my opinion, should not
have happened. All the games were more than win-able,
and Frankly, was one of the lamest rounds I’ve seen in a while.
But Frank did try his best, and ended up going out on 88 in the final
game (tre 16, dub 20), to save from being swept. The Captain
blames the ODC (Optimal Drinking Curve). That may be
partially responsible.
Glenn decided to throw lefty, in all 3 games. I think that had
a little more to do with it. However, Frank may be on to something
as well. The southpaw’ing was a bit painful to watch, and caused
a major increase to the Captains Jamesons intake, thus upsetting
his ODC balance.
It worked hand-in-hand, no pun intended.
And we were now losing, 11-10.
Senor Cocon & The Hornet’s Nest
Vince and I, Cuppa, had our usual, quick pow-wow,
which takes all of 3 seconds. It goes something like this:
Vince: “We need all 3, guy.”
Cuppa: “Yeah, guy. Let’s do it.”
Thats all we need to get jacked up, and we did need all
3 to pull out the victory. Come to think of it, though,
no matter what the situation is, its the same exchange
every time.
When this one was over, CuppaVince had completed a sweep.
We went in quickly, and went out quickly. Some all-star rounds,
mixed in with a bunch of 85's, 79's and 60's, made it a solid
and efficient effort. Probably the most efficient round of the
season. CuppaVince once again proved a formidable pair
in doubles 501.
Great way to end the season, and snag the week’s victory.
Dartbags win, 13-11.
Allstar recap (just checked the NYDO site):
Vince - 677
Frank - 430
Cuppa - 418
Glenn - 334
Vince went 7/9 also. Way to go.....guyyyyyyy.
Great season, guys. Sorry I missed half of it. If I was here all
season, we would have taken 1st place. But thats just one
guy's cupinion....cocon-esque, as it may be.
Playoffs: Son of Leifer, Monday, at GK. Check it out.
Cuppa Joe Gasparino
This past Thursday, I attended the NYDO
captains meeting.
Our ‘big-toe’, El Capitan, Frank Murtha, was off
on a dangerous tutoring mission, and couldnt make it.
The Dartbags needed a guy to represent, so I offered
to be that guy.
Now....I know I run the risk of being a ‘dart-dork’
for attending, and offering, to go to the captains
meeting, but lets face it: if being a ‘dart-dork’ is wrong,
I dont wanna be right. I dig it.
I ran into some old friends of the Dartbags, including
Tony Roman, Andre Correa, and Craig Nobbs, who
informed me of the hazing ritual. Good times.
We knocked a few back, yukked it up a bit, and voted
on some league issues.
One guy was pushing to add games to B division
matches, but since playing until 2am isnt very desirable,
that idea flew like a led zeppelin. As someone blurted out,
"If you want more games....make it to A league."
Another issue that came up is when guys miss their
singles 501 turn, and how it should be handled.
Someone complained that its not fair since they’re filling out
their lineup card based on who they see is there, not knowing
who is missing. Some other complaints were voiced.
A few weeks ago, I missed my singles games. A guy on the
other team was being a stickler saying that if I didnt make it
back before the first round of doubles cricket was over,
they wouldnt let me make it up.
Come on, guy.
A better case in point:
A couple of months back, we let a guy make up his singles games
when the match was OVER, and he kicked the crap out of us.
We didnt know who he was. We do now......Matt Traub.
The way Roger left it, and what I think makes sense, is
its up to what the captains can agree upon at the time.
But be reasonable.
Bottom line:
Like Fonzie says, be cool, but also let the guy make up his singles
games. And while you’re at it, kick the jukebox......especially
the new-jack digital one at The Jeek. That thing is on the fritz
more than the ConEd power grid in Queens.
BUT....the main reason for the meeting was the playoff bracket.
We learned the following:
Monday, July 9th
Dartbags (vs) Son of Leifer
At George Keeley, aka "The Jeek".
A tough draw against a good A1 team.
Should be a good one against some old
friends, and old competitors from our
A-league tuesday night stint. Which, if
you blinked, you missed it.
Things are different now. Man for man,
I know each of us feels good against anyone.
I'll leave it at that.
Spring 2007 Season Finale
The Dartbags regular season ended last monday, with a ho-hum
13-11 victory against Nomads No More. Ho-hum, because we only
needed 1 point to clinch the playoffs, and we were pretty much
locked into 3rd place no matter what happened. As a result, we
concentrated more on having a good time than trying to
stick it to the Nomads.
This weeks match recap is a bit abbreviated since Captain Furious
lost the sheets. He said “someone absconded with the sheets”, but
stop trying to pass the buck, guy. You’re the captain. Take
responsibility. As a result, we’re wingin’ this baby.
First off (as Frank usually starts out), Jessie, Nell, Hope
and Greg Stevens, old friend, and now friend of the ‘bags as well,
showed up, along with some others, making it a jolly time had by all
We drank, we laughed, we cried....
On with the darts
Singles 501
IYH, Glenn Pike, and Thumbonculous, took on
Dave Smith, a good shot. Pike got swept, due to a slick
19 darter by Dave, and some mind games from
Thumbonculous. The Piker did nail a couple hundred asp’s
in game 2, after he switched to 20's. Not enough though.
3-0 Nomads. Thanks Thumbonculous.
Funny: after Frank explained our magic number situation,
(needing just 1 point to clinch playoffs) to Ginsberg, he responded
on its anti-climactic nature:
Ginsberg: “Maybe we leave the champagne on ice for this one.”
After the round 1 sweep, we decided to get a little more serious.
El Capitan went up next, and took 2/3 games against
Jeff Caparella. In game 1, Frank took out a D-2 to seal our
playoff berth. Not vintage Furious, but 2/3 aint bad, and
an X-out in the final game nailed that down.
4-2, Nomads.
I, Cuppa, stepped up next, against the Nomads Joe,
Joe Murray. A Ton-80 by Nomadic Joe, in game 2,
helped prevent a sweep by Cuppa, who took 2/3.
Angered by losing game 2, Cup started game 3 with a
Ton-33 and a 95. After 18 darts, and on 40, Cup wired
a D-20 on his first, and nailed the second, completing
a 20 darter. A sharp double-double, D-8, D-8 out hilited
Cup’s first game.
5-4. Still down, but motorin'.
Before the last round, Frank stepped up to
‘The Table of Honor’, looking for his beer. Its the usual
4-5 pints, all similar looking. A common problem. They
were all staring at the captain. Oh, what the heck....he grabs
one, only to be arrested by Steve Sterns, of the Nomads:
Steve: (Full Metal Jacket voice) “This is my beer. There are
many others like it, but this one is mine.”
Vince, The Hornet’s Nest, took on Private Steve in the final
round. The Nest was as deadly as its been all season in singles,
and racked up about 500-600 asp’s (dont know exactly,
thanks Frank). But you get the point. Vince only took
2/3. I say ‘only’ because the way he was shooting, a sweep
looked like a foregone conclusion, and anyone on a good
game probably would have gotten swept.
Vince left himself on X in game 3, and couldnt take it out.
Steve hung in there and took it out before the Nest got
another chance to swarm.
6-6 after singles.
Cricket Anyone?
Cuppa, Vince and Frank performed a round-robin coin flip
to see who would sit out in cricket. It would prove a waste
of time:
Frank: “Cup lost, so Glenn, it’s gonna be you and......”
Glenn: “Guy, I’m sittin’ out, guy.”
So, Frank and Vince took on Dave and Joe in the first round.
BFT and Cuppa took on Jeff and Steve in the second.
When it was over, kiss your sister; 3-3 in cricket, 9-9 overall.
Frankenvince got whacked in game 1. Tough darts by
the bad guys. Vince was ‘Steve Nashty’, and a back to back R-7
and R-6 by Frank crushed game 2 for the ‘bags. The rubber
match went our way. We took 2/3 from a good team.
Black Widows Dipped In Jamesons
What sounds like an exotic culinary invention is actually
Frank’s bizarre pre-throw ritual, that apparently has
been going on all season, but was made famous during
this week’s cricket round.
It has supplanted the ‘Dippy Bird’ as his ritual of choice.
Between turns, Frank, looking posessed, came back
to our table (The Table of Honor), and, while singing to
himself, picked up his glass of Jamesons. He proceeded to
dip his black-widow darts into the Jamesons, then let it
drip into his mouth, sometimes licking the darts themselves.
At one point, he even dipped them in Ginsberg’s glass.
Wow, guy.
But it was the hilite of the round. And, in my opinion,
one of the hilites of the entire season. Gins and I were
awe-struck, and at the same time, impressed as hell.
I think I may try it next time.
He insists it helps guide the darts where he wants them
to go. Turn after turn went by, and I had to ask:
Cuppa: “Why, guy?”
Frank: “It makes me feel closer to my darts. Like, when
I was a kid.....I used to sleep with my baseball glove
under my pillow.”
Oh.....I see it now. What a touching, heart-felt comparison.
A young boy and his newly oiled baseball glove, with
dreams of growing up to be Don Mattingly. A 36 year-old
man sticking dirty metal darts into a glass full of whiskey,
getting drunk.
Now, BFTeam-Cuppa is hazy, and again, Frank let the sheets wander,
but I do know we lost 2/3, and didn’t play up to our standards.
A Cuppa-Double-Bull did end game 2, and a
few back to back R-4, R-5, R-4 helped it along the way.
BFT was so mad at one point, that as I was attempting a
“Get ‘em next dart” slap on the back after a bad streak,
he scared the daylights out of me:
(Walking right past me, leaving my consoling hand dangling...)
BFT: “Don’t touch me.”
I was still quaking in my flip-flops from BFT’s cold-shot,
and game 3 was lost after a late-gate effort. A C-3 by Cup, and
some pointing by The Big Friendly One. The point war
went on, and on......and on. Too little, too late. Game over.
Like I said, 9-9 after cricket.
Team 501: Dublin’ In & Dublin’ Out
The recap of doubles 501 is hilited by a few things. None of
which are detail oriented, especially concerning specific darts
Southpaw Blues
Frank and Glenn lost 2/3, which, in my opinion, should not
have happened. All the games were more than win-able,
and Frankly, was one of the lamest rounds I’ve seen in a while.
But Frank did try his best, and ended up going out on 88 in the final
game (tre 16, dub 20), to save from being swept. The Captain
blames the ODC (Optimal Drinking Curve). That may be
partially responsible.
Glenn decided to throw lefty, in all 3 games. I think that had
a little more to do with it. However, Frank may be on to something
as well. The southpaw’ing was a bit painful to watch, and caused
a major increase to the Captains Jamesons intake, thus upsetting
his ODC balance.
It worked hand-in-hand, no pun intended.
And we were now losing, 11-10.
Senor Cocon & The Hornet’s Nest
Vince and I, Cuppa, had our usual, quick pow-wow,
which takes all of 3 seconds. It goes something like this:
Vince: “We need all 3, guy.”
Cuppa: “Yeah, guy. Let’s do it.”
Thats all we need to get jacked up, and we did need all
3 to pull out the victory. Come to think of it, though,
no matter what the situation is, its the same exchange
every time.
When this one was over, CuppaVince had completed a sweep.
We went in quickly, and went out quickly. Some all-star rounds,
mixed in with a bunch of 85's, 79's and 60's, made it a solid
and efficient effort. Probably the most efficient round of the
season. CuppaVince once again proved a formidable pair
in doubles 501.
Great way to end the season, and snag the week’s victory.
Dartbags win, 13-11.
Allstar recap (just checked the NYDO site):
Vince - 677
Frank - 430
Cuppa - 418
Glenn - 334
Vince went 7/9 also. Way to go.....guyyyyyyy.
Great season, guys. Sorry I missed half of it. If I was here all
season, we would have taken 1st place. But thats just one
guy's cupinion....cocon-esque, as it may be.
Playoffs: Son of Leifer, Monday, at GK. Check it out.
Cuppa Joe Gasparino
EPIC write up, guy. Love it.
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