Monday, December 03, 2007

WEEK 10: 1209

I fell behind and didn't get to it this week.

My apologies.

We won 14-10 against Flight Risk.

We were hoping to do better, but they shot very well. Gotta tip the cap to them.

There are only a couple of things worth recapping. One was the number 1209.

That's the number of ASPs that Pike hit. It shattered the old Dartbag record held by Cuppa Joe and was good for 2nd best total in the league.

The other is that Glenn posted a High On (S-102) AND A High Out (F-97, done in 3, T-18, D-20 fashion).

Great stuff.

Slowly, but surely... the man known as In-Yer-Hole Pike is returning to form.

With Glenn there to take out the heavy artillery, and the rest of the squad playing like they can, we might just be able to shock someone come January.

Anyway, Cup will do the next write up.

And faster too.

That is all.

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