The Magic of Steaknight

Steakbags Night V: Dylan Prime. By all accounts one of the best steak nights ever, diminished only by the absence of two of our brothers (Pike & RJ).
Many laughs were shared and many elbows were bent that cold winter night celebrating another season of good times and good fellowship. Lou Henry ordered the T-Bone medium. He ate it with potatoes, spinach and washed it down with glass after glass of red wine. (One, fortuitously being from Lambert Vineyards).
The T-Bone soaked up the flavor of 22 ounces worth of fine sirloin and filet deep into its succulent marrow. But it soaked up more than that... much more.
It soaked up the the good times being had that evening. It soaked up the "never say die" mentality and "devil may care" swagger of the men at the table. It soaked up the palpable spirit of fun and brotherhood. The little T-Bone soaked up the very essence of what it means to be The Most Drinkin'est and Friendliest Dart Team in NYC (TM).
The Bible holds that God created Eve from Adam's Rib.
On January 20, 2006, The Dart Gods peformed a miracle of their own. They took the rib of an ordinary Texas steer and created.... The Rallybone! (I call him "Angus", the name revealed to me in a dream).
I present to you, The Rallybone! (Photo courtesy of Lillian). Powerful totem imbued with Dartbag mystique and aura! Symbol of good times and good darts! Beacon of light and hope in dark darting times! No bullseye too blocked! No out too high! (barring mathematical impossibility). No comeback slope too steep to climb-- as long as the Dartbags remember who they are!
Encased in gold so that the power within will never fade away, The Rallybone stands as the physical embodiment of the Dartbag Spirit.
To our merry band of Dartbag brothers I say, "Behold, the Rallybone!"
And to our opponents, I say, "Fear the Rallybone"
That is all.
Capt. Furious
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