The training was intense. But so was the fun, and we had many adventures. Below is a little photo diary of our weekend.
DART TRAINING: Bugsy Seigel had a vision of a casino in the desert. Vince had a vision of a dartboard on a tree. If you can dodge a wrench... you can dodge a ball. And if you can play Adirondack Tree Darts in the rain (which we did) then you can withstand all manner of distractions at New York Pubs. Take your best shot, Bad Open Mic Guy! Do your worst, Annoying Waiting For the Bathroom Guy! Bring it on, Drunk Chick Who Digs Glenn! The Dartbags will be focused like Shaolin Monks. We shall not be moved.

Piker Puts One "In Yer Hole"
DRINKING: Players swing heavy bats in the on deck circle so that their regular bats seems lighter when they get to the plate. That's the reason we hold Training Camp in the mountains. Science teaches us that drinking at high altitudes gets you drunk faster. (It's true.) And what better way for each 'Bag to work on flattening his ODC (Optimal Drinking Curve) than hoisting frosty beverages at 3000 feet? After consuming many cases of LaBatt's at our alpine cabin, we should be able to hold our liquor at sea level like champs. Look for a lot of strong closes and increased effectiveness in Double '01 this season from the 'Bags.
Vince Enjoys a Cold One, While Bart Reads The Racing Form, Gins On Grill

FOOD: Proper nutrition is important. But why bring food to the mountains, when the bounty of the Adirondacks is so plentiful? The Dartbags, armed only with their 22 oz. to- 25 oz. darts formed hunting parties and took to the forest. "Time to shoot me some dinner!", Pike said as we headed out into the night. We bagged two woodchuck, and Colin speared a delicious bass. And with Ginsberg marinating the critters in Peter Luger Sauce and an Italian/Worcestershire Mix... All I can say is "You cook a pretty good woodchuck, pilgrim!"
Delicious Woodchuck Meat (or if you prefer, "Groundhog a la Gins")
Gins Grilling Woodchuck Sausage
COMPETITION: We met a group of local toughs called the Riverbottom Nightmare Band at the Rustic Inn. Their leader, Chuck, said the bar wasn't big enough for the both of us and challenged us to game of darts to see who would leave. It was a good battle, but the Dartbags prevailed. And Mrs. Otter even baked us an apple pie to say thanks of ridding them of those "Riverbottom Hooligans". Hooray!

RELAXING: After a long day of "2-a-Day" Tree Darts, Gopher Hunting, and High Altitude Beer Consumption, it's time to relax on the porch. The 'Bags chill out with some (more) beers, cigars and a game of poker. (From Left to Right, Vince, Bart, Colin, Glenn, Gins).
WILDLIFE: The Adirondacks are a wild place with many exotic (and tasty!) creatures roaming the woods. Black bears, the wiley muskrat, and the famed Deaf Mute Coyotes of Lake George. If you look closely at the picture below you might be able to make one out in the distance between the two trees.
Deaf Mute Coyote
But you probably can't, because the "DMC's" are invisible save only under a full moon. (And no, we weren't stoned. The Cabin is a drug-free zone. I'm telling you, the coyotes were there, man.)
Training Camp was a big success and the Dartbags will be primed and ready for a big season. (Look for the Good Guys of George Keeley to gun their way to a Subdivision title in A-3.) You can keep track of all their exploits right here at dartbags.blogspot.com
See you soon.
-Captain Furious
Labels: Adirondack Tree Darts, Captain Furious, Dartbags, George Keeley, Ginsberg, Hornet's Nest, NYDO, Pike, The Microwave
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