Monday, October 18, 2010

WEEK 3 - FALL 2010

Hard To Swallow

The Week 3 Smoothie

- 2 cups glass (in shards)
- 1 cup asparagus infused urine
- 1 cup breast milk
- 1/2 cup rabbit feces
- 2 tsp wasabe powder
- 1 whole catfish
- 1 oz pistachio ice cream

Place ingredients in blender.
Pulse to desired consistency.
Serve in a frosty mug.


Thats what it was like losing 
in week 3 against Jody Got Your Girl,
11-7 at the Bleecker Bar.

Down 6-2 after singles, the Dartbags
split the rest of the night 5-5, leaving way
too many points out on the board, and
the aforementioned nasty-ass concoction
left for the swillin'.

Props however to Porntros, who
despite being fresh off of an upstate
wedding bender, took a singles split from a 
good player.  305 all-star points for the pimp, 
and then he was out.

STD infested.
Chamberlain darts.

With a chance to tie, JFK and I, Cuppa,
"dropped the ball", losing the last 2 games
of doubles 501.  

If there was a drinking game to be had
using The Week 3 Smoothie, we would
have been co-anchor men.

Pya Lou would have all but pretended 
to take a sip, and I wouldn't have even let 
Chris partake in it.

But we would have deserved that.

Ok.....maybe not that - thats just foul.

But you get the point.  We didn't play well. 
And don't worry, Pya Lou let us know
about it...(cough glass houses cough)

The highlight of the night however, as it 
has been all season, was cricket.

As a team, we raked like Robinson Cano
in the ALCS.  Like The Situation at a 
fist-pumpin night club.

10 all-star rounds in total, and very clutch.

'Bag O The Night

Individually, it was Mellenballs who 
once again threw filthy, dirty, nasty darts,
leaving the other team shaking their heads,
and the 'bags giddy like little school girls
at Bieberpalooza.

Good stuff, once again...My Lucille.

And that was pretty much a wrap.
Put it in a brown paper bag, light it
on fire on someone's porch, and
run like hell.

All-star Recap:

Mellenballs - 620
JFK - 395
Pya - 340
Porntros - 305
Cuppa - 195

Tonight, the Dartbags are home at The Jeek.

May we throw like Cliff Lee playing for a 
megabucks contract next season.

Go Texas Rangers.



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