CAPTAIN'S LOG: DART DATE: 10 - 17 - 06
In some ways the Puffy's Crew have been The Dartbags'
Evil Twin, like Evil Spock or Michael Knight's villainous brother, "Garth". We played on Tuesday, while they played in a parallel dart universe... Monday. While we were making a name for ourselves as the Drinkin'est and Friendliest Dart Team in NYC
(TM) on the Upper West Side, they were making their reputation on the Lower West Side. All the while our existences were eerie "mirrors" of each other, separated only by a matter of 24 hours and cheesy goatees. Both clubs started in C and sucked (hence their name, Collateral Damage... their nickname for splash points). While we were rebounding to crush C, they were doing the same thing one night earlier. We followed the C championship with an immediate B championship... they were doing the same thing one night earlier. Both made it to A where and are looking to climb the ladder. Today Collateral Damage was comfortably in first place... where we want to be.What would happen if these two entitities occupied the same space at the same time? Would it create a wormhole in the time-space continuum? Would all of the molecules in our bodies explode at the speed of light? Would we drink a bunch of beers, throw a few darts and have some laughs?
The answers in order: "Yes" (we actually met Abe Lincoln!) "No, thank goodness", and "Yes again".)
If meeting your evil twin isn't surreal enough, we were joined at the bar by none other than Barry Sheck, whom you may remember as the most effective cross-examiner of OJ's all star legal team. We are pleased to announce that Barry Sheck is now the official legal counsel of the Dartbags.
We didn't have the full contingent. Marty was off "finding himself" at Disney World, and Big Friendly Tim was still in London, England at his week long, intensive dart seminar. They could not join their mates this evening. So the Dartbag crew worked in shifts to make up for their loss. First we were joined earlier in the evening by "Pew" Lou Henry, the retired Dartbag, who stopped in to throw a few. Later on, Hope and Colin made brief appearances before giving way to Nellie and Gemma who brought a bucket of birthday candy for Glenn.
Birthday boy, Glenn, led off for the 'Bags against Bryan Newman. Pike was solid, working his way down but ultimately landing on X (aka. Pikeville). But Glenn is the mayor of Pikeville and double 1s don't scare him. He promptly popped it for the victory. Unfortunately, Brian heated up and took the next two matches. 1-2
Frank faced off against Brian Kehoe (are all these guys named "Brian"?) in set two. Adding to the spooky "mirror" theme, they began the match by mirroring each other scores... 43, 81, 43. Brian took the first game. Frank rebounded to take game two after narrowly missing a 109 out. In the final game Frank kicked it into gear and appeared ready to cruise to victory, but the double eluded him he ended up on D-1. He would drop a disappointing rubber match. 2-4
Cuppa Joe faced off against Kurt Klein who shot the lights out. KK wracked up ASPs and took 7 and 8 turns to get out. Tough stuff. Score it 3 points for the bad guys, 2-7.
But this meant Vince would be angry. We like that. Vince roared out of the gate and proceeded to throw relentless, consistent darts. He took game 1 in easy fashion. In game 2, he missed taking out 115 by a smidgeon, but sunk the out on his next turn. And game 3 was closer, but yielded the same result, another huge Dartbag victory.
It would be difficult to understate the extent of the hugeness of that sweep. It took our position from something horrible to a managable 5-7 score and changed the entire outlook for the evening.
Vince and Glennjamin started out in cricket against Newman and Rob. (NOTE: Could not find score sheet so details are sketchy). The Good Guys were able to take one game, and appeared on their way to win a second. But hot shooting by the Puffy People (a triple by Newman closed the 20 late in the game and removed our ability to point) and we let them off the hook. The bad guys took game 3 to make it a 1-2 set.
Frank kept the team alive in the first game until Cup finally anounced his presence with authority (R-6). The 'Bags recognized that being up a bull or two is not enough against a team like this and proceeded to point the crap out of them (i.e., 5 bullseys). (To make sure they didn't get their nose out of joing, Frank commented to Brian after the game that it was pure respect. They were cool). In the third game, Cup's hot shooting carried the day with Frank chipping for a few points along the way. It was a classic ham and egg with each teammate picking up the other. 2/3 over Kehoe and Klein and it was now 8-10 heading into Doubles.
Vince and Frank led off. The good guys dropped the first. In the second game the 'Bags led most of the way. The opposing player made it interestin by hittin a 118 to land them on X, Frank ended the suspense with a D-15 on the first dart to notch a point. In the third game Newman went on in 120 and the 'Bags never got into it. 9-12.
We could tie the game with a sweep in the final set. But in the first two games Glenn and Cup couldn't get on the board. The Puffy Boys on the other hand got in quickly. The result was insurmountable leads and easy victories for the home team. The third game started out similarly, the Dartbags sleepily down by 200 points early. But then, something happened. That Ol' Dartbag Magic started to kick in. Cup announced his birthday present for Glenn would be an all star round. True to his word, he hit a 95.
Cup: Happy BirthdayGlenn followed that with a 99 of his own leaving 74 left and pulling us back into the game. On the next turn, Cup followed Glenn's advice. Go for the triple 14 to leave 32. He just missed it and caught an 11. With 63 Pike again served up some advice.
Glenn: Go for the Double Bull out.
Cup nodded and hit a fat 13 as instructed. His next dart would likely be his last. Hit it and we win. Miss it, and Collateral Damage likely goes out on 40. He steadied himself, took aim and -- DOUBLE CORKED IT, eliciting a simultaneous "YEAH!" from all the Dartbags that turned the heads of everyone in the bar. There was much high-fiving, (manly) hugs, and handshakes all around. Uberclutch dart. It gave us an extra point to pull us to double digits (10-14) and provided the highlight of the season. Niiiice, guy. What a great note to close out the evening.
The 'Bags made like old times and hung around to watch the Chicago Bears storm back and steal a game from the Arizona Cardinals. Vince and Cup threw a bunch of games and Frank and Glenn caught up at the bar. Like most discussions between a couple of guys at a bar the talk eventually turned to health and beauty tips. We all know that Pike has a thick head of hair that calls to mind a young
Sam Malone. What I didn't know is that he is also a font of knowledge on proper hair management. The conversation was fun and informative and has led to what we hope will become a regular blog feature...
Hair Care Tips from Glenn
"Here's a little pick-me-up that's a great way to restore body to limp, unmanagable hair. After you've shampooed, instead of reaching straight for the conditioner, try rinsing with a bottle of beer. Nothing too heavy, a nice pilsener does the trick. Work through, and rinse with lukewarm (not hot) water. You'll find that one beer-cycle is enough to deliver that 'fresh from the salon look' every time." -- Glenn.
Thanks, guy. We'll check that out some time.
Cheers to our Evil Twins, Collateral Damage. Losing always sucks, but there are some teams you just hate losing to. This wasn't one of them. They were good company all night long and even bought us a shot of Jameson's to close the evening. And thanks to all who stopped by and Nellie for bring a bucket of candy. We wanted better than a 10-14 loss and, frankly, we should have had it. But this team has been putting a whooping on everybody so far. We were reminded once again that we have the ability to more than hang with anyone in this subdivision.
Next week we play the Tempest Imperials at the GeKe. This appears to be a different bunch than the Tempest team last year. Which is too bad. Because we owe those guys a beatdown. Nonetheless, we'll hope to get back on track against the new Tempest and make a move towards first place. Hope to see you then.
ASP Recap:
Cpt. Furious: 459
Cuppa: 310
Vince: 295
Pike: 297