Monday, October 27, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Please read the Captain's Log, Dartdate 10-20-08, first...below this addendum.

By Cuppa Joe Gasparino

I have no choice but to add this short addendum. I'm not actually in total control of my actions right now.

It was a long night, forgive me FURIOUS.

1) Ed Lewis played the most retarded cricket I've ever seen. "Retarded" meaning ridicu-darts, not subaverage cognitive functioning.

2) FURIOUS neglected to use one of the greatest tandem nicknames in darts history, "Mattern & Lewis", coined by yours truly.

3) Tullamore Dew is now the official drink of dart-night. Who needs beer when you have premium Irish Whiskey. And don't ask Justin where he keeps the secret stash. Hands off!

Its a great way to relax the nerves....I strongly recommend drinking your first about a half-hour before match-time, and have at least 2 before you throw your first singles games. Then have some dude on your team order another one for you, so you can go to it during your games.

Then use your discretion as the night rolls along. Proceed with caution.

The only negative side affect, besides slurred speech, impaired balance, poor coordination, flushed face, reddened eyes, reduced inhibition and uncharacteristic that, at the end of the night, you want to beat the ever-loving snot out of guys that look french.

That actually may be the only reason I drink Tullamore Dew, in retrospect.

4) I just found out Harlan "The Blaikinator" Blaikie threw 1177 allstar points last night, including a TON-58 on, and a TON-80. Redarted.

5) I just dubbed Harlan, "The Blaikinator", about a minute ago.

6) I don't remember Ginsberg showing up last night. Oh....yes I do.

7) I ended our first cricket game, hitting single-bull / single-bull / single-bull, thank you very much.

8) Ed Lewis just hit another R-5.

9) Every time a bell rings, Ed Lewis has just crushed another R-5....screw the angel's wings.

10) I love Ed Lewis.

11) I think I may go over to Apiary after I'm done writing this. Everyone has to go there. New rule. My friend owns it, and its freaking awesome.

12) Halloween is coming up, and the Dartbags have to play in costume, its mandatory. If you're not in costume, you're not playing....its that freaking simple.

13) Lallypalooza is on December 13th this year.

14) December 13th is also my dad's birthday. Couldn't have picked a better day to throw a huge blow-out gathering of dart-dorks, Tom. Well done.

15) I'm a dart-dork....and I'm ok with that.

16) Why does Tullamore Dew taste so ridiculously good? Oh, this is why:

17) The Dow is dropping points like James O'Brien on Monday nights.

18) 'The Jeek' is spelled with a j....geek.

19) Joy Harmon.

Outtie like Gowdy...


CAPTAIN'S LOG: DART DATE: 10 - 20 - 08

It was good to be back at the Geek (soft "g"). If you consider the Columbus Day holiday the week before, the egregious beatdown by Banana Hammocks the week before that and a bunch of road games. This match up represents the first "normal" home match since the season opener.

We matched up against old friends, Big Triple Hunters. We'd gotten the best of these guys the last couple matches so we knew tonight they wouldn't just be seeking Big Triples... they'd be seeking revenge.

They'd have it too. (More on that below).
There are few noteworthy changes at George Keeley this season.

1) A second board has been set up on "The Stage" where former greats such as Chickenstand Throw Down Band -who rocked, and Little Rapper Guy - who didn't ("C'mon, y'all!!!, C'mon, y'all!!! YEEEEEEAH!) used to tread the boards. So now on any given Monday there are 2 games going on.

2) Chris "The Viking" Mellen and James "JFK" Kwon have been called up from the Starving Dartists, our spin off/farm team. Chris has been terrific. And James would see his first action of the season tonight - great debut.

3) And lastly, the soap in the bathroom makes your hands smell like Fruit Loops. I'm serious. I can NOT be the only one who's noticed this. The previous soap smelled a little like marzupan, but the new stuff smells exactly like the breakfast cereal. This means that everytime I go to the bathroom it reminds me of my staying over my grandma's when I was a kid. (She was the only one who ever let me and my brother eat sugar cereal). It also means that if a dude's hands doesn't smell like Fruit Loops when he leaves the can... choose the fist bump over the handshake.

Here's what happened.


Frank took on his old buddy, Eric Mattern who, for once, was NOT wearing the jersey for the German national soccer team. Pretty solid darts all around. The Captain took the first two in 10 and 9 rounds (395 all stars along the way), and Eric grabbed the last point to get BTH on the board. (2-1)

Cup played Scott Sisson in the second match and started off with a sharp 95. He was hitting more 19s than Wilt Chamberlain at a sorority party. After a couple of sharp wins by Joey Pep, Scott woke and went on a 20's streak in which he hit at least 60 for 5 straight rounds. Like Eric before him, he'd salvage the last point. (4-2)

James played Tom Gray in the third set and followed the example of the veterans (e.g., take first two, drop last one). If JFK had nerves, you'd never know it. Just 320 ASPs and consistent strokes one after another. After two crisp games (9 rounders, I think), Tom had had enough and went out in 7 rounds. (6-3)

Vince took on Christian Wirth in the final set. It was role reversal in the last set. Christian started out hot nailing down a couple of close games, before Vince heated up to take the final one. (7-5)

CRICKET: 2 - 4

Cricket was the game changer. Frank and Vince played Eric and Ed Lewis. The 'Bags didn't play badly. The first game looked like an A league cricket match should look. R4, answered by R-5, answered by R-5 and so on. Some real hero darts by Vince along the way. But Eric and Ed were just too much (especially Ed who couldn't miss double cork). What can you say? They shot great and just outplayed us... 3 times. A big fat sweep, and like that, we were losing (7-8)

It would be up to Cup and JFK. Going up against Christian and Tom, they got the 'Bags off the Shnide. They used Cup's mathematically complicated (and at times anger-inducing) system of pointing to go up a quick 73 points. Like a bear who lives off stored fat in the winter... they would live off the fat point lead and take the first. T & C paid them back in game two. And it was the 'Bags prevailing in the rubber match to knot the score once again. (Loved to see the consistency of James in this game. You need a 16? Bang! Here's a fat 16 with some zip on it.) Good darts. 9-9

DOUBLE 01: 2-4

It was another frustrating set for Frank and Vince. Eric and Tom followed the recipe for success in Double 501; get on quickly, get off quickly. They went in first round every time and wasted no time nailing doubles. Frank simply didn't have it. And Vince's scale on the Nasty-o-Meter was 4.5 (lower than he likes it). Another debilitating sweep (the last on a double 17 by Tom which he knew he needed). Outgunned once again. If anger were potatoes... we were frickin Idaho. (9-12)

Thank goodness for Cup and JFK. They each won 6/9 and they pulled our fat out of the fire once again. I missed some of the details because I was outside cooling off, but they nailed the first two games shut (a DS-97 for Cup in the mix). Ed and Scott took the final game to give us the loss, (11-13 is your final).

So it was jubilation for them. Frustration for us. Mashed knuckles for the captain. And Jameson shots for everybody. A tip of the cap to Big Triple Hunters. They're a great bunch of guys and we enjoy hanging out with them. They even bought us a shot and a beer at the end of the night. We'll look forward to returning the favor at their place.

Also - needs to be said - they shot great tonight. Best we've seen out of them, in fact. Kudos.

Kudos also for the original Dartbaguette, Hope who showed up (and brought a wedding present) and too Ginsberg who came out despite a Rangers loss.

The Dartbags had some fine individual performance, but once again failed to hit on all cylinders. We'll try to figure it out next week against Boolsheet down at Eammon's, a talented team that we haven't seen before.

That is all.

- Captain Furious

All Star Recap

Cup: 626

Frank: 615

James: 320

Vince: 200