CAPTAIN'S LOG: DART DATE: 05 - 21 - 07The Dartbags headed down to McSwiggan's to take on the first place Threepenny Opera. Last time we faced them, we were on the embarrassing end of an 18-6 ass-whoopin' - in our own building no less. Threepenny shot well and took a chunk out of our season, and with it, a chunk of Dartbag pride. But today was a new day. And we've been playing like a new team since that point. Today also marked the return of prodigal 'Bag, Cuppa Joe Gasparino , who returned from his secret island in the Gulf of Mexico where he was busy designing furniture, margarita-stained shirts...and
these. Before the end of the evening, our pride would be salvaged and Joey Pep would have a prominent rold in its reclamation. We also had Original Dartbag Farticus on hand, a rare treat. And of course,
Nellie was there to support us and make us look good.
SINGLES: 6 -6We led off, as usual, with Glennjamin against David. Glenn was not at his sharpest and David was relentless. David would take the first two. Piker just not able to get comfortable. Switching to 20s in the third game seemed to help. He started connecting 60+ at a time and came back to hit a big D-2 to salvage the point. 1-3.
Frank played Kahlil in the 2nd go 'round. The Furious One capitalized on the opponent's slow start, keeping a 100 point before going out on 56 with his 30th dart. Kahlil threw some big rounds in leg two, but Frank stayed within range. When he got down to 56, he once again Lawrence Taylored the out first chance he got. Minor theft. He had no magic left for the last leg, and Kahlil took a close one. 3-3
Vince played Hal in set 3. Vince opened a lead in leg 1 and was poised to go out, but the last dart was illusive. Hal came back to take the point. The second game was more solid darts but this time, this Vince locked in on the D-8. Tied at 1. But Hal, as last time, got hotter the more he threw. By game 3, he was throwing big numbers and got to his out first. 5-4.
Cup, making his season debut, took on Ed. There is always an adjustment when you come back to league. Cuppa got out of the gate a little slowly and Ed took the first. But Cuppa started hitting his stride in the 2nd leg, "funneling" around the T-19. Whether this was a case of getting warmed up or the effect of the Iron Maiden (Number of the Beast) and Judas Priest (Breaking the Law) blaring from the juke box is hard to say (both were positive factors). Sitting on 4, with Ed also on an out, Cup wired south on a D-2, then wired north on the 2 eliciting a "Come on, Guy!" of self-recrimination. But with one dart left, he blessedly found the D-1.
In the last game, Cup continued his solid play. He just missed a fat 98 out (7, T-17, 5). But cleaned it up 3, 16, D-8 to complete a 9 rounder. 6-6. And suddenly we were tied. If you consider how crappy our singles % has been this year, being even headed into cricket against the first place team is pretty good.
Glenn and Tim played David an Kahlil in cricket. It wasn't pretty. Some passed opportunities to point in the first game, led to a close contest. Tthere was a forcefield around the bullseye. David broke through it first. The second game was better played, but the 'Bags fell behind. A bull run by Big Friendly Tim pulled us back into it, but the comeback effort came up short. The third one, saw Glenn hit a big R-7 in a close match, but tip your cap to David and Kahlil. They played well. Dang. 6-9
Vince and Cup went up against Hal and Ed in the second round of cricket. Much like Ebbie Calvin "Nuke" LaLoush, Cup announced his presence with authority firing off 4 20s and a 19 in his first cricket turn. Cup got up to cruising altitude in a hurry and stayed there (3-5 every turn) and finished with a pair of bulls. Game two was a dog fight, leap frogging points, triples, big closes. The turning point came when Cup hit 2 big 15s to close (and take away their pointing advantage) and stick a double cork with his last dart. Vince would end it next turn.
And then Frank went outside to check on Glenn, who was last seen with steam coming out of his ears. He left the bar, standing just in front of the small awning on the front door.
Frank: Does someone need a hug?And then -SPLAT!- he felt splotch of moisture hit the top of his head. These damn air conditioners, always dropping--
Glenn: A bird got you.Frank: What? No, it was prob-
Glenn: He crapped on your head, guy. He got me a half an hour ago.
So I looked up. (Which was a REALLY dumb idea. If you ever get crapped on by a bird. I repeat, Do NOT look up. Take two steps to the side and THEN look up. The logic of this should be obvious. Thankfully, there were no repercussions this time.) So I looked up, and sure enough, there were the tell tale signs of pigeon droppings coming from an air conditioner directly above me. This piece of sleuthing led me to the conclusion that a pigeon had indeed crapped on my head.
That, and the "water" was brown and sticky to the touch.
Glenn: They say it's good luck but it didn't help me in cricket.
Frank: That's just a supersitition
(Voice from above): BULLSEYE!
Frank: Who said that?
Voice: Ah did, laddy!
Glenn: That's him!... He's actually a pretty good shot. Does he play cricket?
Frank: Do you play cricket?
Angus: Sure ah doo! What do ye think ah was just doin'!
Frank: Wait, are you... are you Scottish??
Angus: Aye! On ma motherr's side. Why do ye ask?
Glenn: See if he wants to play for us.
Frank: Hey, pigeon... you want to play for us?
Pigeon: Call me Angus!
Frank: What?
Pigeon: Call me Angus!
Frank: Okay. Angus, do you want to play for the Dartbags?
Angus: Ach! We play vairtically, don't ya know. You play horizuntal-like. Ah'd be of no use to y'anyway.. Besides, if ah floo down therrre, ye'd just eat me!
Frank: Eat you? That's disgusting.
Angus: Disgusting?... What the devil are ye traying to say!!
Glenn (to me): You offended him.
Frank: Uh, nothing. Hey, look, Angus. You really made a mess out of my hair here.
Angus: Aye. Ahm sorrrry aboot that. Ah's was just muckin' aboot. But look at it this way... it's good luck!
Glenn: It didn't help me and Tim.
Angus: That's because ah hit yerr shoulderr! Is nae good luck unless it hits yerr heed!
Frank: I thought that was just a silly superstition.
Angus: Nae! Yerrr thinkin' of the wee Leprechauns! G'wan back insayd! Ye'll see!
Frank: Will we ever see you again, Angus?
Angus: Aye! Ye ne'er know! Ah hang oot on the upperrr west sometayms. Fare ye'well, laddies! Good luck! Oh... ye'll tak the high rrroad! And ahll tak the looooow rrroad....
And then he flew off. It was damndest thing.
Glenn: Let's go back inside.... and never tell anyone about this.
Sorry, guy. Couldn't help myself.
And when we went back inside we found Vince and Cup locked in another tight one. We had no marks on 16s just two marks on 15 and bulls wide open. Threepenny had 16s closed. Frank and Glenn debated. Go for bull? Try to point on 15s? So Cup weighed the options as he stood at the line... and hit a Triple 16.
Glenn: Okay... that works.
He followed it with a 15. When Vince smacked the final bullseye to complete the "turnabout is fair play" sweep. The highland pigeon was right. Big darts.
DOUBLES '01: 4-2
Glenn and Frank took on Ed and David in the first round of doubles. The 'Bag missed the first two tries at an on, but they made up for last time in a big way throwing ton after ton. In round 6, Frank turned a 116 into a 32 and took it out 1 round later to complete an 8 round (22 dart) game. It was Pike with the heroics in game 2. Getting us in on D-19, firing big darts and cashing in another D-2 to pull it out a squeaker. We were in pretty good shape in the final leg as well. Frank just missed a 99 out going 3, T-20, Miss on D-18. Threepenny was sitting on sitting on 167 Dave hit a big 87. We missed our 18 out and Ed took it from there. He stepped up and went 20, 20, D-20. Wow. On 167 and out 6 darts later? Fine shooting. Clutch darts. Gotta tip your cap to both of them. GThey swooped down to take the point in a way that would make The White Hawk proud. 11-10
It was VinceN'Cup versus Hal and Kahlil. All of these were great games. Some of the best games of the season. Both teams taking punches. Both teams throwing haymakers in return. In the first game, Cup got them on and that's when The Hornet's Nest started buzzing. Ton... Ton-40, 85. Nasty stuff from Vince. Cup sealed it for the first point. Cup came out gunning with a stat stuffing S-116 in game 2. It was more of the same. Vince was huge. Sitting on 168 he hit a T-20, T-20.. 16 for 136 points and a fat 32 leave for Cup. Cup took it out - Miss, 16, D-8 finish. Yowza! An almost carbon copy of the darts David and Ed through, going out on 168 in 6 darts. And we needed it too, against a pair of very tough shooters. Fantastic finish. In game 3, Hal and Kahlil prevailed in the final game. Kahlil shot them out of the gate with a T-20 on and the home team never looked back.
FINAL SCORE: DARTBAGS - 13: THREEPENNY OPERA- 11This was a good night. As a team, we shot well. We weren't at our best, but as Hal pointed out, we hit a lot of big darts when we needed them. And that's how you win. So no one's complaining. And if you consider that last time these guys took us behind the woodshed 18-6... we'll take it. In fact, this was the first non-win for Threepenny all season. They're in first for a reason. So Monday night was no small feat.
Who has the current longest streak for non-losing? That would be us. Our last loss came in week 3 in that 18-6 debacle. It may be a case of too little too late for the first place plaque. We're 19 back with 4 weeks to play. But we'll give it a shot. We host Average Jack at our place on June 4. That is all.
Kudos to Threepenny Opera. They were good opponents and good sports over the whole evening. We are off next week for Memorial Day. The next Dartbag match is June 4 at George Keeley against Average Jack. See you there.
Vince: 773
Frank: 495
Pike: 470
Cup: 308 (And a borg like "
7 of 9" performance)