Saturday, May 26, 2007


And let's remember those who gave their lives so we can be free
"Here Rests In Honored Glory An American Soldier Known But To God"
-The Tomb of the Unknowns, Arlington National Cemetery

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Blind Chicken, or Shake-n-Bake?

Either way, well done Gins.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


CAPTAIN'S LOG: DART DATE: 05 - 21 - 07

The Dartbags headed down to McSwiggan's to take on the first place Threepenny Opera. Last time we faced them, we were on the embarrassing end of an 18-6 ass-whoopin' - in our own building no less. Threepenny shot well and took a chunk out of our season, and with it, a chunk of Dartbag pride. But today was a new day. And we've been playing like a new team since that point. Today also marked the return of prodigal 'Bag, Cuppa Joe Gasparino , who returned from his secret island in the Gulf of Mexico where he was busy designing furniture, margarita-stained shirts...and these. Before the end of the evening, our pride would be salvaged and Joey Pep would have a prominent rold in its reclamation. We also had Original Dartbag Farticus on hand, a rare treat. And of course, Nellie was there to support us and make us look good.


We led off, as usual, with Glennjamin against David. Glenn was not at his sharpest and David was relentless. David would take the first two. Piker just not able to get comfortable. Switching to 20s in the third game seemed to help. He started connecting 60+ at a time and came back to hit a big D-2 to salvage the point. 1-3.

Frank played Kahlil in the 2nd go 'round. The Furious One capitalized on the opponent's slow start, keeping a 100 point before going out on 56 with his 30th dart. Kahlil threw some big rounds in leg two, but Frank stayed within range. When he got down to 56, he once again Lawrence Taylored the out first chance he got. Minor theft. He had no magic left for the last leg, and Kahlil took a close one. 3-3

Vince played Hal in set 3. Vince opened a lead in leg 1 and was poised to go out, but the last dart was illusive. Hal came back to take the point. The second game was more solid darts but this time, this Vince locked in on the D-8. Tied at 1. But Hal, as last time, got hotter the more he threw. By game 3, he was throwing big numbers and got to his out first. 5-4.

Cup, making his season debut, took on Ed. There is always an adjustment when you come back to league. Cuppa got out of the gate a little slowly and Ed took the first. But Cuppa started hitting his stride in the 2nd leg, "funneling" around the T-19. Whether this was a case of getting warmed up or the effect of the Iron Maiden (Number of the Beast) and Judas Priest (Breaking the Law) blaring from the juke box is hard to say (both were positive factors). Sitting on 4, with Ed also on an out, Cup wired south on a D-2, then wired north on the 2 eliciting a "Come on, Guy!" of self-recrimination. But with one dart left, he blessedly found the D-1.

In the last game, Cup continued his solid play. He just missed a fat 98 out (7, T-17, 5). But cleaned it up 3, 16, D-8 to complete a 9 rounder. 6-6. And suddenly we were tied. If you consider how crappy our singles % has been this year, being even headed into cricket against the first place team is pretty good.


Glenn and Tim played David an Kahlil in cricket. It wasn't pretty. Some passed opportunities to point in the first game, led to a close contest. Tthere was a forcefield around the bullseye. David broke through it first. The second game was better played, but the 'Bags fell behind. A bull run by Big Friendly Tim pulled us back into it, but the comeback effort came up short. The third one, saw Glenn hit a big R-7 in a close match, but tip your cap to David and Kahlil. They played well. Dang. 6-9

Vince and Cup went up against Hal and Ed in the second round of cricket. Much like Ebbie Calvin "Nuke" LaLoush, Cup announced his presence with authority firing off 4 20s and a 19 in his first cricket turn. Cup got up to cruising altitude in a hurry and stayed there (3-5 every turn) and finished with a pair of bulls. Game two was a dog fight, leap frogging points, triples, big closes. The turning point came when Cup hit 2 big 15s to close (and take away their pointing advantage) and stick a double cork with his last dart. Vince would end it next turn.

And then Frank went outside to check on Glenn, who was last seen with steam coming out of his ears. He left the bar, standing just in front of the small awning on the front door.

Frank: Does someone need a hug?

And then -SPLAT!- he felt splotch of moisture hit the top of his head. These damn air conditioners, always dropping--

Glenn: A bird got you.

Frank: What? No, it was prob-

Glenn: He crapped on your head, guy. He got me a half an hour ago.

So I looked up. (Which was a REALLY dumb idea. If you ever get crapped on by a bird. I repeat, Do NOT look up. Take two steps to the side and THEN look up. The logic of this should be obvious. Thankfully, there were no repercussions this time.) So I looked up, and sure enough, there were the tell tale signs of pigeon droppings coming from an air conditioner directly above me. This piece of sleuthing led me to the conclusion that a pigeon had indeed crapped on my head.

That, and the "water" was brown and sticky to the touch.

Glenn: They say it's good luck but it didn't help me in cricket.

Frank: That's just a supersitition

(Voice from above): BULLSEYE!

Frank: Who said that?

Voice: Ah did, laddy!

Glenn: That's him!... He's actually a pretty good shot. Does he play cricket?

Frank: Do you play cricket?

Angus: Sure ah doo! What do ye think ah was just doin'!

Frank: Wait, are you... are you Scottish??

Angus: Aye! On ma motherr's side. Why do ye ask?

Glenn: See if he wants to play for us.

Frank: Hey, pigeon... you want to play for us?

Pigeon: Call me Angus!

Frank: What?

Pigeon: Call me Angus!

Frank: Okay. Angus, do you want to play for the Dartbags?

Angus: Ach! We play vairtically, don't ya know. You play horizuntal-like. Ah'd be of no use to y'anyway.. Besides, if ah floo down therrre, ye'd just eat me!

Frank: Eat you? That's disgusting.

Angus: Disgusting?... What the devil are ye traying to say!!

Glenn (to me): You offended him.

Frank: Uh, nothing. Hey, look, Angus. You really made a mess out of my hair here.

Angus: Aye. Ahm sorrrry aboot that. Ah's was just muckin' aboot. But look at it this way... it's good luck!

Glenn: It didn't help me and Tim.

Angus: That's because ah hit yerr shoulderr! Is nae good luck unless it hits yerr heed!

Frank: I thought that was just a silly superstition.

Angus: Nae! Yerrr thinkin' of the wee Leprechauns! G'wan back insayd! Ye'll see!

Frank: Will we ever see you again, Angus?

Angus: Aye! Ye ne'er know! Ah hang oot on the upperrr west sometayms. Fare ye'well, laddies! Good luck! Oh... ye'll tak the high rrroad! And ahll tak the looooow rrroad....

And then he flew off. It was damndest thing.

Glenn: Let's go back inside.... and never tell anyone about this.

Sorry, guy. Couldn't help myself.

And when we went back inside we found Vince and Cup locked in another tight one. We had no marks on 16s just two marks on 15 and bulls wide open. Threepenny had 16s closed. Frank and Glenn debated. Go for bull? Try to point on 15s? So Cup weighed the options as he stood at the line... and hit a Triple 16.

Glenn: Okay... that works.

He followed it with a 15. When Vince smacked the final bullseye to complete the "turnabout is fair play" sweep. The highland pigeon was right. Big darts.

DOUBLES '01: 4-2

Glenn and Frank took on Ed and David in the first round of doubles. The 'Bag missed the first two tries at an on, but they made up for last time in a big way throwing ton after ton. In round 6, Frank turned a 116 into a 32 and took it out 1 round later to complete an 8 round (22 dart) game. It was Pike with the heroics in game 2. Getting us in on D-19, firing big darts and cashing in another D-2 to pull it out a squeaker. We were in pretty good shape in the final leg as well. Frank just missed a 99 out going 3, T-20, Miss on D-18. Threepenny was sitting on sitting on 167 Dave hit a big 87. We missed our 18 out and Ed took it from there. He stepped up and went 20, 20, D-20. Wow. On 167 and out 6 darts later? Fine shooting. Clutch darts. Gotta tip your cap to both of them. GThey swooped down to take the point in a way that would make The White Hawk proud. 11-10

It was VinceN'Cup versus Hal and Kahlil. All of these were great games. Some of the best games of the season. Both teams taking punches. Both teams throwing haymakers in return. In the first game, Cup got them on and that's when The Hornet's Nest started buzzing. Ton... Ton-40, 85. Nasty stuff from Vince. Cup sealed it for the first point. Cup came out gunning with a stat stuffing S-116 in game 2. It was more of the same. Vince was huge. Sitting on 168 he hit a T-20, T-20.. 16 for 136 points and a fat 32 leave for Cup. Cup took it out - Miss, 16, D-8 finish. Yowza! An almost carbon copy of the darts David and Ed through, going out on 168 in 6 darts. And we needed it too, against a pair of very tough shooters. Fantastic finish. In game 3, Hal and Kahlil prevailed in the final game. Kahlil shot them out of the gate with a T-20 on and the home team never looked back.


This was a good night. As a team, we shot well. We weren't at our best, but as Hal pointed out, we hit a lot of big darts when we needed them. And that's how you win. So no one's complaining. And if you consider that last time these guys took us behind the woodshed 18-6... we'll take it. In fact, this was the first non-win for Threepenny all season. They're in first for a reason. So Monday night was no small feat.

Who has the current longest streak for non-losing? That would be us. Our last loss came in week 3 in that 18-6 debacle. It may be a case of too little too late for the first place plaque. We're 19 back with 4 weeks to play. But we'll give it a shot. We host Average Jack at our place on June 4. That is all.

Kudos to Threepenny Opera. They were good opponents and good sports over the whole evening. We are off next week for Memorial Day. The next Dartbag match is June 4 at George Keeley against Average Jack. See you there.


Vince: 773
Frank: 495
Pike: 470
Cup: 308 (And a borg like "7 of 9" performance)

Thursday, May 17, 2007


CAPTAIN'S LOG: DART DATE: 05 - 15 - 07

The Dartbags (Most Drinkin'est and Friendliest Dart Team in NYC tm) were down at the new and improved O'Hanlon's. It looked really cool. they cleared out more space, added two more boards, increased the seating and added some cool velvet curtains. It was like changing the setting from a stock room to a lounge. Very nice. Also on hand were A-1's Arrowmen with old friends Tony "The Empire" Roman, Roger "The Commish" Herbert and Neil "Big Dog" McLouglin.

Neil was using the match as a tune up for bigger things on Saturday. He was facing Phil "The Power" Taylor (I kid you not) in the National Darts Challenge this week at Mohegan Sun. Will Neil kick Phil's pommie butt back to England? We'll see. But it's pretty cool either way. Few people get to play Roger Federer in tennis or golf against Tiger Woods, and this is the darts equivalent. In fact, Phil Taylor is arguably more dominant than Federer or Tiger.

We were of course facing Best Team, named after Captain Melanie Best. As per a previous post, I mentioned to Best Team member, Nikki that they could be called Charlie's Angels because the team consists of a dude name Charlie and three women. She corrected me by pointing out that Andre Chin is also on the team.

Frank: Oh. I guess it doesn't work then.

Well... he could be Bosley.

Lightbulb! Yes, he could. He would be an outstanding Bosley. I'm telling you, Best Team is a perfectly cool name, but the Charlie's Angel's thing is just begging to be used.

The 'Bags would be going into battle without one of their stalwarts, Vince "The Hornet's Nest". He was on the West Coast, and with no Colin or Cup, Mike "Gins" Ginsberg would be pressed into service. He would feature prominent in the events of the evening. And he knew it. How would it go down. Well, the title's a bit of a spoiler. Here's what happened:

Glenn was his usual solid self. He had 3 all star rounds, but more importantly took advantage of opportunities. He won the first game handily. The second was closer, but Glenn had a D-8 handy to pick up the 2nd point. In the third game, Charlie missed two chances to double out and that was all Glenn needed, D-2 and a sweep! And we had tied our singles total for last week. 3-0

Frank took on FOD (Friend of Dartbags) Nikki, who is also the Ladies leader in All Star Points for A League. Frank went D-18 first dart, T-14, D-20 to take out 118. Yowza! (The Cap had the high on last week and the high out this week). 1-0. He'd take out D-10 in the second game, but in the 3rd frame, Nikki heated up while Frank was hitting 40 somethings. Not enough. Score one for the ladies. 5-1 'Bags

With no Vince, the 'Bags turned to the reluctant Ginsberg. But despite his preference to watch (read: drink) than play, Gins actually came into the night leading the team in win % (4/6). The last time he played, he faced off against the same opponent, Melanie. This time Melanie had his number. Gins kept himself in the first two games, but couldn't hit his outs. But he didn't quit. He hung in there and in the last frame, he stuck around long enough to get down to a 8 and with his 3rd dart... he stuck the D-4 to take the final leg! Nice. 6-3

BFT squared off against Jackie, a notable Dartbag killer who always seems to bring big darts against us. Tim was aware of this. He was also aware that with The Hornet's Nest buzzing around on the left coast it was incumbent upon each 'Bag to raise his game if we were going to walk out with a result.

The final game was a grind. Tim was sitting on XX. With Jackie honing in on the D-8, he needed to go out. His first dart was high. His second was lower - but still high. But his third dart was true. Whew! Gotta love those 3rd dart Xs. A sweep! Great job by Big Friendly. And it was 9-3 'Bags. It appeared the Captain's Drink more; Drink early mantra was paying dividends.

Part of what makes it fun to play in places like O'Hanlon's is you have friends playing next to you. It makes for a friendly and interactive atmosphere. Especially when there is food. Tony, lured by the smell of fresh pizza spied Frank, Glenn, Gins and Nell eating slices on our side of the room. He walked over and demanded in a booming voice (which, come to think of it, is also his regular voice).

Tony: Hey, which one of you is eating my slice!!

Nell: I am. What are you gonna do about it?

Tony: Not a daaaaamn thing.

On to cricket, where the 'Bags usually start to hit their stride. With 9 points banked, we were feeling pretty good about ourselves. That may have been the first mistake. In game one, FrankenTim (The Greenacres Boys) took on Nikki and Jackie. The 'Bags rolled to the first game victory. They were in good shape in the second game, shutting down most everything. But Nikki and Jackie were locked in on bulls and began their comeback on cork. The lead whittled away as 'Bag shots at the bull went awry with out a splash. Pretty soon we had a close game on our hands, and started trading 16s for bulls. We failed to stockpile enough 16s and like that, we were in an even game. Which would have been fine. Except it wasn't. We missed two shots at bulls.. They didn't. Two turns later the ladies were gone. Damn. Nice comeback by the Angels. The 'Bags stumbled out of the gate in the third leg, and never got in it. Damn again. 10-5

Glennsberg would face off against Charlie and Melanie. It was Glennjamin strong early, but it wasn't enough in the first game. We dropped it. In game two, Glenn stayed strong but got some serious support from Gins picking up who popped an R-6 (D-19, D-17) to create some separation. Glenn took care of the bulls and the set was tied at 1. The last cricket game was a grind. It took forever, one of those games that you want to win even more because you'd hate to think you wasted 45 minutes of your life for nothing. It was Gins doing the heavy lifting in this one, popping 4 18s and an 2 16s (Another R-6!) to keep us in it. And, down to a "first one to hit cork wins" situation, it was Gins who mercifully stuck it to give us the W. 12-6

DOUBLES'01: 2-4
Glenn and Tim joined forces to play Charlie and Jackie. Tim smacked a T-19. Glenn had a sweet DS-114 on in game 2... but it wasn't meant to be. We dropped all 3 games. 12-9.

I believe what we witnessed was in fact, a case of the Optimal Drinking Curve (ODC) - TM. The ODC is a parabolic function that forms a bell curve with "Accuracy" plotted on the Y axis and "Alcohol Consumption" plotted on the X axis. You have to ask the question, did our conscious effort to imbibe early lead us to peak after singles. I'd have to say we did. There's a looooong time between a singles game and a 2nd set cricket match. Further evidence; the decline of Pike from superb to mediocre and the utter ascendancy of Ginsberg who, as an Olympic level drinker, thrives on the stuff. We'll have the boys in lab work on it back at Dartbag Headquarters. Crunch the numbers and so forth. They'll have a report on my desk by Monday.

(Yeah, that's right. We have a lab, headed up by Gins himself. Here is an actual photo of Dartbags working on the Optimal Drinking Curve conundrum at Dartbag HQ. Pictured from Left to Right: Colin, Gins, Tim and Vince.)

It was Frankenberg vs. MelanNik in the final set. The 'Bags got on early in game one and took out a D-20 to take the first point. In game two, the 'Bags again were first ones in the pool and were able to swim to a 100 point lead. After a turn, Frank needed to make a quit pit stop between throws. When he came back they were wiping the board.

Frank: Did you just-

Gins: Double 10.

Nice! Wish I'd have been there to see it. It would be the final point for the 'Bags. The Best Team came out gunning in the final set. The 'Bags lost their mojo. A shot at a 75 out came up short when the Captain's dart struck just low on the D-20. And Gins didn't mop up the D-10 this time. Score it for the Angels.


It was a good win and a good night. Pike's singles sweep was huge. Tim's singles sweep was possibly huger. But the star of the evening was Gins. Though he would have preferred just to hang out and enjoy a few frosty ones, he was forced into action and did what he had to do. (Not unlike John McClain in Die Hard.) Not only did he win a single match, pull more than his (considerable) weight in cricket, and double out for our final point... he led the team in All Star Points. (I say with all due respect; W. T. F.? If this keeps up, pretty soon he won't be able to get away with saying he "sucks").

Thanks to Best Team for being good hostesses and to all for hanging out. And special thanks to our Dartbaguette, Nellie for all the support. (Your t-shirt is coming. I swear!). Next week we play the first place Threepenny Opera @ McSwiggan's. See you there.

AllStar Recap:

Gins: 459
Pike: 408
Frank: 318
Tim: 193

Thursday, May 10, 2007


"The White Hawk", Tom Lally : Steve Phillips

Cuppa Joe submits darts cult hero, The White Hawk,
Tom Lally, for Steve Phillips, former Mets GM, and
current ESPN baseball analyst.

This is the first in what will be an ongoing segment
on the blog. Submit any of your own lookalikes
by leaving a comment on any of our posts.

Cuppa or the Captain will post it.


CAPTAIN'S LOG: DART DATE: 05 - 09 - 07

The 'Bags asked for the their very first postponment and the gentlemen of Balls 'N Strikes granted it. The place was the same (George Keeley), but the day was changed from Monday to Wednesday. It was strange, as if we were transported to a parallel darts dimension.

When we arrived and went to our usual hang out spot (The Table of Honor), we found it inhabited by bearded intellectual types, -- most likely Columbia-goers who wandered south in search of hops and barley, as they are known to do on occasion. They wore sweaters, used very large words, and seemed unfamiliar with the customs of Dart Night. We expected they would soon finish their beers and amble northward to Academia, but much to our chagrin they continued to sip pints of lager and discuss macro economics and "modes of alienation" for the entire evening. They would not be moved.

So the 'Bags - including Baguettes, Nellie and Hope -- were relegated to the "stage area" where such greats as The Chicken Stand Throw Down Band (not to mention "Rapper Guy" and the "Hot Nuts Vaudeville Review") once trod the planks. Thankfully, there was still beer. Cold, refreshing beer. So delicious and nutritious. We would need it to help us overcome the eery bizarro-world like feel -- as well as to alter our consciousness. Still, the adjustment seemed to take longer than we would have liked. Here's what happened:

SINGLES '01: 3 - 9
Pike took on Captain Steve in the first set. Glenn was solid in the first game and these two were really going at it. Steve hit a Ton, Glenn responded with a T-25. You love to see that. Glennjamin eventually took out D-8 to make it a 9 rounder. The second game was a grind, but Steve began to heat up down the back stretch to put on a show in the final leg going out in 6 Rounds (18 darts). He connected with a T-20 in EVERY round before taking out 105 by going T-20, 13, D-16. What's the Greek word for "on fire"? (It's probably like "pyro-something.") 1-2

Frank squared off against Jim "Mr." Coffey in the second set. Frank was went out in 9 rounds in game one taking out 52 with a 20, D-8, D-8 out. But he just couldn't find the range after that hitting 45 after 45. He'd drop the next two in frustrating fashion. 2-4

It was Tim vs. Certified 'Bag Killer (CBK) Brendan Dowling. Brendan was just en fuego. He went out in 22 darts, 24 darts and then 21 darts, mixing in a Ton-80 and 615 all star points along the way. Not much you can do about that really, but tip your cap. Tough to beat. 2-7

In the final set it was Vince winning the first game against Carlos, but just when it looked like we were going to climb back in, Carlos heated up. It would come down to outs and Carlos got them first. And like that, the 'Bags were down 3-9.

It was the same old story. Singles has just been killing us all year. How bad? Our Singles is 41%. Our Cricket is 63%. And our Doubles win is 67%. See the trend? We get better as the night goes on.

We also drink more as the night goes on.

I believe the answer to our problem is clear: Drink more, drink earlier. Personally, I think Jameson's is probably the best way to go. It seems that once we've had The Water of Life, our game just goes to another level. (SPOILER NOTE: We would use that to strategy to good effect next week).

CRICKET: 4 - 2
Cricket Time - when comebacks begin. Vince and Frank took on the heavy artillery for cricket, Brendan and Captain Steve. It started out rather bleakly. The 'Bags fell behind and eventually they were in a 96-38 hole and B&S had everything closed but 15s and bulls. But then, the 'Bags went and started hitting the 15s. An Round of 7 by Frank brought the point total back 98 -96 advantage. Then Vince closed the 20s. We battled against Balls 'N Strikes (and the laws of mathematics) trading 15s against 18s until Vince's crushed another R-7 worth of 15s. And all of a sudden, we were winning. Two rounds later we had the bulls closed. Wow. Big time comeback by the 'Bags. By my count we hit scored @ least 20 marks on the 15s to do it. Good stuff.

The 'Bags dropped the second leg when B&S heated up and the Captain lost his mojo. But the 'Bags got back on track in leg three with Frank taking the game out with a T-15, Double bull, single bull flourish. - 5-10 bad guys.

PikenTim faced off againt Carlos and Mr. Coffey. Both 'Bags were sharp. Tim had a knack for hitting a triple on his first dart and Pike was downright filthy, erasing a B & S with an R-6 of 18s. These were close fought dart matches. Glenn smacked 4 15s to give us a slight points edge. They had pointing opportunities on 18 and 17 and took advantage of them, but we still had them by a few points. Tim stepped up and hit single 18, single 18, single 17 to close the window. An R-4 by Glenn and a simple R-3 by Tim. But these are the rounds that win you games. We'd take the first. Glenn would continue crushing numbers turning in an R-7 to lead the 'Bags to a second win. The B&S guys would take third to end the run. 7-11.

DOUBLES '01: 5 - 1
It was Vince and Frank versus Steve and Carlos in the first set of Doubles. The 'Bags were sharp and in the war of attritition that is a drinking contest... the 'Bags appeared to be pulling away. It was the usual agreement in game 1; Frank gets 'em in the door, Vince slams it shut. We'd take the first. In game 2, Vince broke with tradition by going in and out by himself. Frank got the 'Bags on with 130 (high out for the week) going D-15, T-20, and (cough) D-20. And ended the game with a D-2 to complete a much needed sweep. 10-11.

Glenn and Tim once againt vs. Brendan and amiable barkeep, Gareth in the final set of the evening. The 'Bags needed two for a tie and (hope, hope) three for a win. In the first set it was Glenn's T-33 (which looked like a patch-worthy T-71) that helped create some separation. Tim was there to nail a D-8 to take the first point. The 'Bags would drop the second contest, when Brendan channeled the earlier version of himself. In the final leg of the night, it was once again Pike leading the charge and Tim playing the hero taking out an XX to to pull out a squeaker and end the evening in a sister-kisser (a.k.a., a tie, 12-12).


Kudos to Balls 'N Strikes. They were good sports, despite legitimate inconvenience to themselves (n fact, Steve, who owns a Pizzeria/Restaurant at 62nd and 1st had to pay someone to work for him that night) as well as worthy opponents. Brendan and Steve threw some of the best darts we've seen all year, truly Steak Sauce (i.e., A-1) worthy performances. We would have liked more, but will settle for keeping our non-losing streak alive at 5. That's all for now. New write up to follow shortly.

All Star Recap:

Pike: 623
Frank: 590
Vince: 537

Friday, May 04, 2007


Show your support... Look bad-ass... Impress the ladies.

Get the Lou Henry Collection of Dartbags Gear. Available HERE!

(Note: Items sold at cost. Not for profit).

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


CAPTAIN'S LOG: DART DATE: 04 - 30 - 07

The 'Bags were coming off a nice little streak when they entered The Gaf (89th and 1st.) The Gaf is one of those friendly, safe haven type of places that just feel good to play in. There are friendly, familiar faces, good bartenders and the proprietor, Tom "The White Hawk" Lally always makes you feel at home. The crew from Keeley's seemed to be coming around the last few weeks with big guns like Pike finding the range, but we knew we would have our work cut out for us because Nomads No More feature dangerous shots, including two of A-3's best, Dave Smith and Joe Murray.

There was no Colin and Gins on hand, but Dartbaguettes, Nellie and Hope were there, once again making us look good. Tonight also featured a special guest, Pike's little (or should I say younger?) brother, Brad.

Pike started out against old friend, Steve Sterns. Glenn came out gunning with a T-33. But Steve didn't let him get out of view. When Glenn had a brainfart and mistook the number he shot (59) for the number he had left himself (48) it was a near disaster. But Pike was able to recoup in time to pull out a squeaker. In the second game Glenn ordered up some 95s on his way to victory. It was Steve's turn to throw big numbers in the final leg. After just his 7th round he had a shot to go out, before leaving himself on 10. But Glenn took out a 55 (15-20-D-10) to win a humdinger. Excellent darts all around. (and 513 ASPs for Glennjamin) 3-0 'Bags.

Frank played Rico in the 2nd set. Frankly, it was a pretty ugly display. Some nice rounds here or there, but a shaky short game and dreadful putting. Each player gave the other far too many chances, but Frank managed to convert the first two games with D-4, D-2. The final game was more of the same futility. With the baneful chorus of a Joe Jackson tune repeating in the background "Something going wrong around here... Something going wrong around here" neither player could hit the last dart. Finally the song changed to "That Smell" by Skynyrd and Frank was able to get unstuck with a D-5. 6-0 'Bags

But the biggest challenges lay ahead.

Vince took on Joe in the third leg of singles. Both players shot well in game 1, each hitting a Ton on the way down. With Joe sitting on a nice out and Vince on 80, he went 20... 20... D-20 for a very sweet out that gave us a 7-0 lead. But Joe would come back strong in the second match and win a close one. The third game was more of the same -- good, competitive darts, but it was once again Joe (528 singles ASPs) finding the double first. 7-2 'Bags

Tim drew the heavy artillery in the final leg, Dave Smith. When Tim draws the big guns, he usually fires back himself and takes one out himself. But Dave, who had plenty of time to watch his team fall behind, was highly motivated and focused. BFT came out swinging with a 90+ and an 80+, but Dave was on his game. He went out in 7 or 8 turns each time, and racking up 529 ASPs. Not much you can do about that, but tip your cap 7-5 'Bags heading into cricket.

So after a 7-0 start for the 'Bags, the Nomads No More responded with a 5-0 run of their own and momentum on their side heading into cricket.

Vince and Frank would face off against Dave and Joe. Vince and Frank were in an uncommon state of agitation. For once thing they were fired up because they knew it would be major challenge. Simply put, Dave and Joe are as good as it gets in A-3, (in fact, they'd swept Vince and Frank out the door of a double tournament as B players a couple of seasons ago on their way to the City Finals).

But, also, in much the same automobiles run on gasoline and Rosie O'Donnell runs on doughnuts, Captain Furious is powered by long, bitter quaffs drawn from his bottomless well of rageful self-recrimination. His shoddy singles play and (an overheard critique of that play) would provide plenty of fuel for the rest of the evening. And If you consider that Vince, (i.e., The Hornet's Nest) responds to a loss with as much vigor as anyone, it made for a fired up pair. And it showed. Vince started the game off with Five 20s. Game one. The 'Bags used some timely darts to keep a lead. Later in the game the Ex-Nomads switched to Bull, closing it in two turns and beginning to put up points. With the 20s still wide open, the 'Bags went back to the biggest number, hitting 4 at a time. Glenn didn't like it.

Pike: It was a McKenna.

Frank: Guy, they had bulls closed! They were 3 darts from winning.

Pike: All right, then. It's was a Semi-McKenna.

When I see that two dangerous players already have the bull closed, my experience tells me guys like these tend to pop a triple 20 and continue pounding the bull. T-20 and two bulls = 4-3 game at that point. In my book, pointing there is not a McKenna, it's just pure respect. (When you're up 8 bullseyes on an clearly overmatched opponent and THEN you point, that's a McKenna.)

Gentleman can disagree.

We won the first.

The second game Dave and Joe came out strong closing 20s, pointing then closing 19s and were up 39 points with 20s and 19s closed. The 'Bags had managed only 2 19s, 1 20 and zero 18s. Vince goes, single 19.. DOUBLE 20... single 18. Wow. Frank had to ask:

Frank: Were you going for that double 20.

Vince (slightly bemused): Of course.

Hey, no guts, no glory.

Frank responded with 6 18s. Vince closed 17 in response to their closing of the 17s and when Frank went T-16, T-15, Bull for an R-7, we'd created some breathing room. The 'Bags would take the second. In the last game, the former Nomads came out with renewed purpose. You need to do a lot better than rounds of 2 to win games like this, but that's what the 'Bags did. Vince and Frank fell behind and never got within striking distance. 9-6 'Bags.

Pike and Tim took on Steve 'n Rico in the second set of cricket. The hot shooting for the 'Bags continued. Glenn was finding the triple every 4 darts or so. Tim seemed to close a number every time he stepped to the oche. Respectable darts by Steve and Rico, but 3+ per round is hard to beat. 12-6 'Bags.

It was at this point, the A-1 game had actually ended. Now, granted, we got a late start, but to have one team be done while the other is still in cricket? It shows the difference between A1 and A-3. Wow.

On to doubles. Once again it would be Vince and Frank vs. Joe and Dave. Frank and Vince followed a familiar pattern with Frank doubling on and Vince doubling out (D-4 and D-2). In the last game, the 'Bags stepped up their game, a 121 from Frank was followed by a 101 by Vincenzo. It was Frank (454 ASPs) taking a 16 with 8... D-4 for a 23 darter and the sweep. 15-6.
By this point it was 12:30. Tom couldn't believe we were still playing.

Tom: You guys are still playing? We were done at 11:00!

Vince: We're still on singles.

And I have to tell you, the change of expression on The White Hawk's face in that brief, horrifying moment when he thought Vince was serious was just priceless.

But Tom showed he could joke around too. Earlier in the match Steve had threatened to put on "Leaving Las Vegas" by Sheryl Crow (EASILY one of the worst songs of all time). But Steve was too much of a gentleman.

Steve: I wouldn't do that to you guys.

Unfortunately, Tom is not above such petty torture and put Carly Simon on the box. Carly was warbling about... about what? A relationship?... unrequited love?... unrequited love that doomed a relationship?... "It's Too Late" or some godawful crap. All I know is that if there were an oven at The Gaf next to the juke box, there'd have been a line of people waiting to stick their heads in it.

Gaf Patron: Are you guys waiting to play music?

Dartbag: No. We're waiting for the sweet release of death. But feel free to put on some AC DC in the meantime.

Crappy song; crappy darts. The 'Bags could not double on. Five Rounds later they were down 250 points. It was the only game we'd lose in doubles.

In game two, Rico started strong with a big 106-On. But Pike 'n Tim stayed close. It was Uberbag, Pike smacking taking out 56 16 - 20 = D-10. In game 3, It was Big Friendly Tim's darts finding their mark with his telltale, "KaTHUNK" including a sweet 20-20-57 round. He put Pike on 16 and Glenn took it out out a D-8 to take the rubber match and the final point of the night. 17-7 'Bags

So the final was 17-7 in one of our best team efforts of the year. Everybody contributed. Everybody had a good time. We knew we'd need big darts if we were going to walk away with a good result and we got them. The people at The Gaf were, as usual, good sports and good company. That is not always easy to do when you're on the losing end of a score, but they did it anyway. We hope to return the hospitality when they come to our place. Thanks to The White Hawk for treating us right. Meanwhile, the slow crawl up the standings continues. (Hopefully, unnoticed to most.) Next Monday, the gentlemen of Foley's granted our postponement request because we were going to be shorthanded. We play Wednesday at the GeKe.

All Star Recap:

Frank: 1008 (New Dartbag record... you gonna break it next week, Pike?)
Pike: 608
Vince: 301
BFT: 192

That is all.

-Captain Furious